Caitlin is a writer, art critic and researcher living in Naarm/Melbourne, Australia. She is currently a PhD Candidate in Art History and Curatorship at the University of Melbourne, and Director of Storyline Projects - promoting cross-cultural writing, arts policy, and research.
Art is shaped by unexpected connections. Finding new things-in-common across culture and place is what motivates Caitlin’s work. That means: building active, interactive exchanges. Caitlin specialises in writing and working with contemporary art from the Asia-Pacific region: including themes of play; public art; urban and environmental aesthetics; and interdisciplinary (read: ‘antidisciplinary’) approaches to writing/studying art history.
For the past eight years, Caitlin has been researching Indonesian contemporary art. Her PhD examines paradigms of interdisciplinary thinking in post-1998 Indonesian art, and its role in shaping inter-island and international conversations in the post-Suharto era.
Caitlin holds a Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship (Hons, First Class), and a double Bachelor of Arts (Art Theory, Asian Art History) and Bachelor of Art History and Curatorship from the Australian National University, graduating in 2020. She has won several awards for her work, inside and outside academia.